Everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled since your first breath is stored in your subconscious. The subconscious uses this information to determine how you will emotionally respond to your world. How well you remember anything is determined by the emotional impact at the time of the event. The result may not be as significant as post-traumatic stress but it can still have an impact, which can ultimately bring about an unwanted behavior.

The dilemma with all of this stored information is how it makes you feel which in turn will determine your behavior. Regardless of whether you feel an aberrant behavior is biologically driven or not emotion must precede it. If you feel nothing you do nothing. What this means is if you have bypassed the process of addressing emotion your chances of attaining a real solution to an unwanted behavior is a best a just that, a chance.

A consistent subconscious process must occur for an emotion to come about which in turn will equal your behavior. If you understand how this process works, which is the foundation of Burris Emotional Measurement and SR™, you can interrupt, restructure and reprogram a memory, which will change the way you feel and change an unwanted behavior. I am sure you have heard the argument “You only remember things the way you want to!” The fact is if you wish to live in a normal emotional range this is exactly what you need to do.

There is a single question in regard to any behavior and that is…”Does it work?” If the answer to this is no then interrupting, the process of the emotion, which is driving it, must be the absolute first step. It will not matter how many years of school a psychologist or psychiatrist has under their belt a subjective assessment of behavior is still just an opinion and is not addressing the core issue.

The use of subjective assessments in mental health is why there are only definitions of disorders and no clear definitions for what it means to be normal. Normal is about understanding how you feel and how to change how you feel from the inside out if you are not feeling normal. Let me repeat this. Normal is determined by how you feel not by how you behave! No adult goes to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist because of how they behave it is always about how they feel.

ADHD diagnosis is the best example of why Emotional Measurement must precede behavioral assessment and certainly medication. As a scientist looking at this from the outside, the only objective I can see in assessing a child’s behavior seems to be to market medication to children. Why else would one skip the core issue which is the emotion driving the behavior?

Returning to normal is all about understanding how you feel and what a normal emotional range is for you. When this is accomplished, you simply learn how emotion works and how to interrupt, restructure and reprogram any emotional response, which does not work. One must first define normal to get normal but this is currently not on the list of objectives for most mental health providers. You can see how Burris Institute defines normal here. http://www.burrisinstitute.com/emotional-measurement/more

About Kelly Burris, PhD, MBC

Kelly Burris has defined ‘Normal’ in an industry, that only defines broken or disordered. He is the developer of the empirically sound Subconscious Restructuring process and founder of Burris Institute. With over 150 medical references Subconscious Restructuring represents a scientific breakthrough in mental health, and it has done this without meds, labels or personal history.

As part of the Burris, ecosystem Subconscious Restructuring Practitioners can manage, track and interact with current and future clients after certification on BurrisConnect.com. This same ecosystem enables corporate, military, and educational entities to supervise and monitor the performance of their internal Subconscious Restructuring (mental health) infrastructure in the cloud.