by Kelly Burris PhD February 24, 2025
Following is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of “Subconscious Restructuring” and “Reprogramming the Overweight Mind”
by Kelly Burris PhD January 1, 2025
  Following is an excerpt from the 2nd edition of “Subconscious Restructuring” and “Reprogramming the Overweight Mind” Disclaimer: This page is provided for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided on this page should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Always seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified health provider regarding a medical condition. This content or its use creates no physician-patient relationship. For example, stopping an antidepressant or PTSD medication should only be done under the prescriber's supervision. This also applies to supplementation. If under the age of 18, nothing in this article should be implemented without the supervision of a parent or MD.
by Kelly Burris PhD July 28, 2024
What Do Weight Control, Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Have in Common? What weight control, anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating have in common is one's emotional state and gut health. Regardless of what initiated the disruptions in the emotional state and microbiota (gut health), they become self-perpetuating mechanisms if both are not measured, tracked and improved simultaneously. This is why the book “Reprogramming the Overweight Mind” begins with an Emotional Fitness Checklist and then breaks down the components of thought, emotion, and behavior, which empowers you to interrupt, restructure, and reprogram any unwanted behavior. The Gut Health Variable
by Kelly Burris PhD July 9, 2024
Following is an excerpt from the Subconscious Restructuring™ Book. Sigmund Freud laid the foundation for and implemented psychoanalysis in the 1890s. This was when cars were coming onto the scene and steered by a tiller. A tiller is a stick you push back and forth to steer the vehicle. The tiller was wholly replaced by the steering wheel by 1913. Psychoanalysis, however, is not only still used today but represents the foundation for virtually all psychotherapeutic approaches. Burris Institute felt it was not just time for an update but an entirely new approach based on the mechanism and measurement of thought, emotion, and gut health, as opposed to analyzing behaviors that do not work.
by Kelly Burris PhD June 12, 2022
Top 3 Questions Question 1 When seeking help from a counselor, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or coach, the number one question is, "What do you measure, why do you measure it, how are the outcomes generated, and can I see data from previous clients?" If the mental health professional states that revealing data from previous clients would violate client confidentiality, let them know that you did not request personal information. You would simply like to look at the before and after data from clients with similar issues.
by Kelly Burris PhD April 1, 2020
In 2016 after effectively addressing gall stones, liver stones, kidney stones, and severe parasitic infection, I was still sick and continued to seek out medical help. This was a big mistake. I was misdiagnosed with a left kidney issue and referred to a urologist for a cystoscopy (a tube up the urethra). After this procedure, I contracted a severe bladder infection. I went to the ER 6 times was hospitalized 5 times and went through 5 rounds of antibiotics. The 5th round of antibiotics was a pick line. This is a line that is run through a vein on the inside of your upper arm and twists around until it reaches the top of your heart. This enables the antibiotics to be dropped on top of the heart. You only do this as a last resort, and this was my last chance to kill this infection.
by Kelly Burris PhD August 6, 2019
Phenolic Compounds: Going Beyond Vitamins and Minerals Oleuropein taken via olive leaf extract, first cold-pressed organic olive oil or organic olive leaf tea is fundamental to human health and longevity regardless of DBS/IBS or any of the dozens of autoimmune disorders it will assist in correcting. Little consideration is given to the mechanism of action regarding phenolic compounds, but this is about to change with this comprehensive overview of what I consider to be the most fundamental phenolic compound.
by Kelly Burris PhD January 27, 2019
Reprogramming When people hear the word reprogram it brings about thoughts of someone else taking control of their mind, but in the case of Subconscious Restructuring™ (SR™), the exact opposite is true. Observational subjective assessments without measuring emotional and gut health of a client are more in line with someone else running your thought processes. The only way one can reprogram an emotional state that does not work is if one understands the mechanism of thought. Thought precedes emotion and behavior, so if one understands this process, you are at the very beginning of emotion and behavior.
by Kelly Burris PhD January 23, 2019
Some attribute the quote “Death Begins in the Gut” to Hypocrites others attribute it to a GI doc from the early 1900s. Whatever the case we are now finding this statement to be true only I feel it is more significant than this, so I added health and age to the equation. I did this after suffering for over a decade and being forced to commit seven years of research to fix a long list of degenerative diseases with neurological disorders the most difficult to address. When I speak of all the other moving parts, through the course of this article I am referring to an anti-inflammatory diet which includes the inflammatory 9, a well-calibrated fitness program, and of course consistent implementation of Subconscious Restructuring™.
by Kelly Burris PhD October 6, 2018
If you were to visit a doctor for a serious injury, and the extent of the treatment was analyzing why you had the accident, and reliving the play-by-play of your mistake, would you continue to pay substantial fees for their services for the next couple of years? Probably not, yet this is the accepted norm for mental health treatments. Worldwide, mental illness represents more than 15 percent of the disease burden “in established market economies such as the US.” according to NIMH this “is more than the disease burden caused by all cancers.” Approximately 26 percent of adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Factor in the families of the ill and the irregular methods by which these problems are reported, and the impact of this statistic is far-reaching beyond what is measured.
by Kelly Burris PhD October 5, 2018
Since Sigmund Freud discovered talk therapy and psychoanalysis in the late 1800’s, there has been little advancement in a modality for behavior change that works. One of the reasons for this is a means to measure whether one is making progress with a client. Neuroscientists and psychiatrists claim the processes of the human mind and the physiology of the brain is too complex to measure accurately. This could not be further from the truth if we start by looking at a couple of fundamental issues and simply ask… “What questions need to be answered to resolve the issue of taking control of what controls me?” The first question of “What controls me?” is uncomplicated. It is the subconscious. Our conscious mind exists solely to receive and deliver everything we have ever seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled to the subconscious. The subconscious uses this information to determine how we respond emotionally to our world.
by Kelly Burris PhD September 26, 2018
Emotion drives behavior yet emotion is bypassed in favor of looking at the resulting behavior in the mental health industry. Normal cannot be defined by skipping the driver of what constitutes normal. The only explainable motivation for this is no one wants to fix a disorder because it is more profitable to drag it out or drug it. Better is not when a therapist or psychiatrist says you are better it is when you can see and feel you are better. This can only happen if you measure, track and improve emotion at every session.
by Kelly Burris PhD April 11, 2018
Burris Connect: The Ultimate Mental Health EHR If the objective in mental health is to get back to normal and not to manage, modify or cope with an aberrant thought, emotion and behavior one must fully understand if there is progression, regression or no change. Therefore, the default in Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) is the measurement of emotional and gut health NOT medication. We feel the practitioner and client must measure and track all emotional parameters driving the behavior they are addressing. This is exactly what is required of coaches at Burris Connect.
by Kelly Burris PhD July 15, 2016
After 26 Years of Data Collection We Are Finally at Step 1
by Kelly Burris PhD October 19, 2015
Efficacy of empirical data in Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) occurs when constants are measured and changed and the legitimacy of the data occurs when it is generated by the client. The constant in Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) is the clients’ emotional state. Measuring, tracking, and improving this constant at every session is what brings about the efficacy of an intervention. With 23 years of data collection, Subconscious Restructuring™ has taken data protocol a couple steps further with a three instrument checklist which not only measures the emotional state and relationship satisfaction of the client but also enables the client to grade the effectiveness of the practitioner at every session.
by Kelly Burris PhD October 12, 2015
Empirically sound and measurable outcomes in Emotional Health (mental health) are terms rarely used together because there are no standards of measurement as there are in Subconscious Restructuring™. We established a measurable outcome protocol in 1990 and have refined it down to a 22 point three instrument checklist. This is how we know it is empirically sound because we have been collecting data for twenty-five years.
by Kelly Burris PhD September 15, 2015
Ask anyone to define normal and they will reference behavior. Attempting to define normal based on behavior cannot be done because it is inevitability a subjective assessment by a third party, in other words, an opinion. Opinions do not become more legitimate with seven or ten years of education, it is still, just an opinion. This is not, however, the biggest flaw in attempting to define normal based on behavior. The biggest flaw is the fact that when attempting to define behavior based on a subjective assessment you are bypassing the driver or root cause of behavior, which is emotion.
by Beau Chatham August 20, 2015
Goal Setting is one of the most fundamental undertakings when we consider future success. We know that top-level athletes, successful business leaders and achievers use this technique to stimulate short-term motivation and help in maintaining long term vision.  The intent is to bring focus to your life’s undertakings.
by Kelly Burris PhD August 8, 2015
A 2008 study released by Rand called “Invisible Wounds of War” addressed the issue of PTSD, major depression, and the rising suicide rate in the military. Burris Institute and its Subconscious Restructuring™ process have been compliant with the recommendations of the Rand study for over a decade.  An overview of how Burris the Subconscious Restructuring™ process now exceed Rand recommendations can be found in the Evidence-Based section of the Burris  Institute website.
by Kelly Burris PhD April 10, 2015
Ask anyone to define normal and they will reference behavior. Normal cannot be determined via behavior but it can be determined via emotion, which is the driver for behavior. When making an observational subjective assessment as is done with children and ADHD one is bypassing the driver of the behavior or the root cause. The term observational subjective assessment in translation simply means one is guessing because there is a void of any meaningful data. If you want everything to work you must understand how it works and this is what you are about to learn. Why Burris Institute has Defined Normal
